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As a father of  a child with Autism, I find discussions and information around the Internet at an ever growing rate, which I find encouraging. But it seems to be almost exclusively from moms, about moms or at the very least, from a mom’s perspective.

That’s fine really, since no one will ever be able to take the place of a child’s mom, much less when the child has special needs. I can tell you, from my own experience, that no one is more important in my son’s life, nor more capable of telling you everything about his life and his disorder than his mom is, however I can also tell you that being a father comes with it’s own set of challenges and experiences.

I think it’s no secret that men in general are simply less capable of dealing with emotion, family hardships and probably hardest of all… accepting that their child isn’t perfect and there’s nothing they can do about it.

We, as men, bottle it up and would rather find our own hammer and nails, and keep working at it until it’s fixed rather than talk to someone about it much less be taught what to do.

I am a father of two boys, my oldest has Autism and I may be one of the few male voices out there, but I’m going to tell my story anyway. Maybe it’ll help some other fathers out there, maybe even some mothers.

Even if it doesn’t, it’ll help me down the road and possibly even my son… this is my journal, my introduction to Autism.

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