Tag Archives | poem

A father’s day poem, from father to son

CameronNot puzzle, nor piece within
My son is bone and blood and skin
Though he cannot stand the light
In him his brilliance shines so bright
He is himself, so rare, so true
Unlike others yet mirror too
In him I see, I could not before
A new spectrum of life, a new way to soar
He showed me a difference, a new way to see
He taught me acceptance, a new way to be
The son became the father, this lesson I have learned
For he taught me that compassion need never to be earned
And on his birth, my life of fatherhood began
But as he lives and as I grow, I learn to be a man
For who I am and all I know, is reflected through a prism
He wouldn’t be, or I you see, were it not for his autism.

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